A trip in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

How to get to Cherbourg-en-Cotentin ?

GPS location : Latitude : 49.643071 | Longitude : -1.620512

By plane :
Referent airport: Paris Charles-De-Gaulle - CDG (370km)

By car :
From 1h20 to Caen, 2h30 to Rennes and Rouen, 3h35 from Paris.

By train :
From the Paris Saint-Lazare's train station with the line "Paris/Caen/Cherbourg" in 3h15. The station is situated in a few minutes on foot of the CMU's official site.

By ferryboat :
Many connections for Cherbourg from Ireland (Rosslare, Dublin) and Great-Britain (Portsmouth, Poole).