The FFSU, pillar of this World University Sailing Championship

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A word from Jean François Sautereau, President of the French Federation of University Sports (Fédération Française du Sport Universitaire).

As we welcome the 2018 World University Sailing Championship in Cherbourg En Cotentin, France confirms a long tradition as a host country : since 1974, no fewer than 24 World Championships have been organised in France, under the aegis of the French Federation of University Sports.

Sailing is one of the major sports among the 18 we have already hosted , with two competitions held before, Quiberon 2002 and Nice 2012. Both were match racing competitions. Cherbourg En Cotentin will be a first, showcasing fleet racing.

Our « French model » often relies on a successful recipe : the synergy of various national and local bodies, federations, regional leagues and committees, region, département, urban community and -of course- host-city. This 2018 Sailing WUC follows the rule and aims at a common goal : highlighting a sport and, with it, a site and a territory.

Supported by everyone rallying around us, I wish to pay tribute to all the partners and members of the Organising Committee, who have been working methodically and passionately for two years in order to welcome, in the best conditions, the world’s best in university sailing

Athletes and officials from all over the world, welcome to France and Cherbourg. Enjoy every moment, be proud representatives of triple excellence as academics, sportpersons, citizens, which will provide you with indelible memories.








Jean-François Sautereau
FFSU president